The Round Rock ISD Board of Trustees approved an amendment to the compensation plan for the 2022-2023 school year, adding an additional 1 percent to the pay increases approved by the Board on April 21, 2022. The amended compensation plan means teachers and librarians will see a general pay increase of 5 percent — a minimum of a $2,800 annual increase.

All staff will receive at least a general pay increase of 3 percent, with some employees receiving a market pay adjustment on top of their general pay increase. Changes include a 4 percent general pay increase for administrative support and operations support and a 3 percent general pay increase for instructional support and other positions in technology, business, and police services. Instructional support positions, which primarily include educational assistants, received an immediate pay increase effective April 1, 2022, with raises ranging from 10-18 percent. The general 3 percent increase for 2022-2023 is on top of that boost in pay. The new plan also creates a minimum salary in the District of $15 an hour, boosting the starting salaries for positions such as administrative and operations support staff to at least $15.

The total cost of the entire pay increase will be $18.3 million — $3 million more than the plan approved in April.