Round Rock ISD is one of 447 school districts in the U.S. and Canada being honored by the College Board with placement on the 8th Annual AP® District Honor Roll. This is the second time in four years that Round Rock ISD has earned a spot on the honor roll.
To be included on the 8th Annual Honor Roll, Round Rock ISD had to increase the number of students participating in Advanced Placement classes, while also increasing or maintaining the percentage of students earning AP Exam scores of three or higher. Reaching these goals shows that the District is successfully identifying motivated, academically-prepared students who are ready for college-level work.
“We are extremely proud of the work our teachers and staff have done to successfully identify students who are ready for AP courses and testing and to help those students be successful,” Superintendent of Schools Dr. Steve Flores said. “When we expand opportunities for every student, we bring tremendous value to our community. This is a great indicator of our ongoing success as we continue to set the bar high for school districts across the state and nation.”
Since 2015, the total number of AP students in Round Rock ISD has increased 21 percent, from 3,513 to 4,255, and the total number of AP students scoring at three or higher jumped 25 percent, from 5,649 to 7,107.
“Congratulations to all the educators and administrators in this District who have worked to clear a path for more students of all backgrounds to participate and succeed in AP,” Trevor Packer, head of AP and Instruction at College Board, said. “These educators and administrators are fostering a culture in their schools and classrooms that allows students to face new challenges and build the confidence to succeed.”
Expanding exposure to more rigorous coursework for a growing number of students, and helping those students earn higher AP scores, are objectives of all members of the AP community, from AP teachers, to district and school administrators, to college professors. Many districts are experimenting with initiatives and strategies to see how they can expand access and improve student performance at the same time.