Three students from Cedar Valley Middle School, and Old Town and Sommer elementaries have advanced to the national Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Reflections contest.
The students advanced after being judged at the state level. More than 1,000 entries moved forward to the state level to determine if they would move on to the national competition. Out of those submissions, only 29 were selected to advance.
The Reflections program tasks students to creatively complete art projects based on the year’s theme, which is “What is Your Story?” Projects could be completed within six categories: dance choreography, film production, literature, musical composition, photography, and visual arts.
The following students, including their recognitions, are listed below:
- Sho Humphries, Outstanding Interpretation & Overall Award of Excellence, Making Summer Memories, Cedar Valley Middle School,
- Gracie Slater, Overall Award of Excellence, Rooted in Love, Old Town Elementary,
- Vishwak Senan P. Ashokkumar, Overall Award of Excellence, My Goal is Become an Astronaut, Sommer Elementary