Our Round Rock ISD Communications and Community Relations team is launching a branding update, giving our already strong brand a modern look and offering staff and partners resources to align with the update.
We are fortunate in Round Rock ISD to have brand recognition with our graduate logo and our color scheme, depicting the path our students take towards graduation. In modernizing our logo, we wanted to honor the existing tradition of excellence our district and schools have. We made the graduates more functional in their use, adding the background circle that makes it easier to use on shirts, posters, etc. as a stand alone icon.
In addition to adding functionality, we wanted to update the font from a slab serif to a sans serif font, aligning with efforts to be digital.
The update may not look to new for many of our web users, as we did a soft launch on roundrockisd.org in late fall 2015. Now, we have been able to better evaluate our long term goals for the Round Rock ISD brand and we are ready to better launch the standards on print products, such as letterhead, business cards, etc.
Our team has created some great resources, including a brand standard guide, email signature template, letterhead downloads, and a presentation template. We also have some great instructions on that site on how to use our logo.
The goal in announcing this change now, mid-year, is to empower our staff and partners who want to be early adopters to the new look. We do not want to put any additional stress on staff to immediately comply to a new rule or procedure. Our Round Rock ISD print shop has received the update materials and will begin printing the new branding when they receive new requests for materials. We are not spending any additional funding to replace existing materials, as we are just phasing out the old branding.