Round Rock ISD’s new Family Resource Center is a one-stop place for families and parents seeking education or support to help their children become college and career ready.
The resource center is located in Portable 020, across from the district’s Central Administration Building, 1311 Round Rock Ave. This center provides a variety of workshops including early literacy skills, technology applications, healthy meal planning, and Rosetta Stone tutorials in a variety of languages for all Round Rock ISD families.
The building houses three classroom areas – one for the early literacy classes, one for the computer lab and one as a general classroom. The center shares the space with the district’s Special Education Parent Liaisons. They have regular meetings with the Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) to serve the needs of parents and families.
“The center provides a bridge between the district and the community,” Director of State and Federal Programs Laura Segers said. “The district wanted to create a space to facilitate centralized parent engagement activities to serve the diverse needs of Round Rock ISD. Creating the center allows our team to establish a personal connection with our parents to help foster student success. The mission of the Family Resource Center is to empower parents to seek knowledge and support for themselves and their children.”
In the future, the team plans to host SAT/ACT preparation classes, resume writing, interview skills and financial aid workshops.
For more information regarding the Family Resource Center, call (512) 464-5614. To register for classes, call (512) 464-5983. The center is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Evening and Saturday classes will be scheduled to accommodate parent schedules.