Category: Teacher of the Year 2025

Secondary Principal of the Year

The District added a category this year to the Teacher of the Year celebration…principal of the year. Monica Collins of Pearson Ranch Middle School was awarded the honor of Secondary Principal of the Year. Congratulations, Monica!

Elementary Principal of the Year

The District added a category this year to the Teacher of the Year celebration…principal of the year. Jenny Strong of Brushy Creek Elementary was awarded the honor of Elementary Principal of the Year. Congratulations, Jenny!

Elementary Teacher of the Year!

This year’s winner is Kimberly Correa from Caraway Elementary. We asked some of her finest students what is it about Ms. Correa that makes her such a great teacher.

Secondary Teacher of the Year!

This year’s winner is Ms. Mihealsick, who teaches science at Westwood High School. We asked some of her finest students what is it about Ms. Mihealsick that makes her such a great teacher.
