Category: Summer

Round Rock ISD serves healthy summer meals

12 Round Rock ISD campus locations will provide children 18 years and younger and students with disabilities up to 21 years old with healthy, no-cost breakfast and lunch through August 2.

United Way for Greater Austin Awards Round Rock ISD Partners in Education Foundation $30,000

Round Rock ISD Partners in Education Foundation was awarded $30,000 to support mental health for students and staff over the summer months by United Way of Greater Austin. The District’s social workers provide vital services to students during the regular academic year, however, there has not been funding to provide these services during the summer months when students are in summer school.

Round Rock ISD serves up no-cost healthy summer meals for local children

Seven Round Rock ISD campus locations will provide children 18 years and younger and students with disabilities up to 21 years old with healthy, no-cost breakfast and lunch through June 30.

Through funding made available by The U.S. Department of Agriculture nutrition program, the Seamless Summer Option provides nutritious meals in school cafeterias from June 5 to June 30. The program aims to bridge the gap left by the unavailability of free and reduced-price school meals during the summer months.

Summer counselors offer graduates guidance for higher education and jobs

Throughout the summer, Round Rock ISD high schools will provide the services of a dedicated “summer melt” counselor, who will assist recent graduates in navigating their path toward higher education, the workforce, or a combination of both. The counselor assigned or stationed at your campus during the summer is readily available to offer guidance and support for various applications, including those for colleges, technical schools, apprenticeships, or employment opportunities.

Students to keep District-issued Chromebooks during summer break

Round Rock ISD is excited to announce that all students can keep their District-issued Chromebook over the summer. Access to a Chromebook device promotes consistency and equitable access to online learning opportunities for all students.

Students who participate in the District-provided summer learning programs such as high school summer learning, Middle School Propel, and Elementary Launch will need to bring their Chromebooks with them each day.
