Safety and Security Winter 2025 Focus
District schools have a safety audit passing rate of 95% passing rate. During the 2024 Fall semester, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) conducted safety audits at 29 of our 56 campuses.
District schools have a safety audit passing rate of 95% passing rate. During the 2024 Fall semester, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) conducted safety audits at 29 of our 56 campuses.
Round Rock ISD schools currently have a 96% passing rate on safety audits conducted by the Texas Education Agency (TEA), which ensures the safety of students, staff, and the community.
Andreucci has over 19 years of combined police and security experience, providing safety and security for Texas municipalities, higher education, and corporate industry.
Jennifer Wagner has been named Round Rock ISD’s Director of Behavioral Health Services.
Round Rock ISD Partners in Education Foundation was awarded $30,000 to support mental health for students and staff over the summer months by United Way of Greater Austin. The District’s social workers provide vital services to students during the regular academic year, however, there has not been funding to provide these services during the summer months when students are in summer school.
Navigate 360 is a cloud-based platform that allows campuses, administrators, and the Behavioral Health department to quickly get students the help they need when it comes to behavior and mental challenges students can face.
Round Rock ISD parents, guardians, students and community members are invited to attend a virtual informational session about Fentanyl on February 7. The meeting will focus on Fentanyl awareness, prevention and resource information. Local specialists and District officials will share information and then take as many questions as possible from attendees and community members
Winter is one of three therapy dogs in the District. Behavioral Therapy Dogs are known to help reduce anxiety and stress. These can be brought in to de-escalate a situation and provide a calming effect for students. In this video we get to know Winter a little better and what makes her a good therapy dog.
All funds for therapy dogs are provided by the Round Rock ISD PIE Foundation.
Many Round Rock ISD fifth graders took part in SEL camp this summer. They focused on things like building relationships with others, how to manage stress levels, working as a team, and communication skills. All skills needed to help with the transition from elementary to middle school.
Behavioral Therapy Dogs help students with anxiety and stress. They can be brought in to de-escalate a situation and provide a calming effect for students. And when the dogs are not busy on the job they can be found visiting the schools and getting petted by all students and staff.
Educators from across Round Rock ISD campuses and departments were selected to receive $125,000 in Excellence in Education Grants from the Round Rock ISD Partners in Education (PIE) Foundation. The Excellence in Education Grants provides resources for educators to execute innovative ideas, programs, materials, equipment, field trips, and various other needs that enhance student learning. All Round Rock ISD students are impacted by the grants in some capacity.
The move from elementary to middle school can be very challenging. Round Rock ISD’s Department of Behavioral Health Services is supporting students during their transition by holding Social-Emotional Learning Camps (SEL Camps) this summer to help incoming middle school students develop the tools and techniques to make the next school year easier.
The Round Rock ISD Safety and Security Committee will hold its Spring 2021 meeting, virtually on...
Voters passed Bond 2018 to fund numerous projects across the district including a new aquatic center and several safety upgrades. In this video, we check in on the progress being made and completion dates for several of those projects.
Round Rock ISD understands that the February storms have left a lasting impact on our community. If the February storms have damaged your living situation, you may qualify for aid.