Round Rock ISD trustees elect first Black board president
The Round Rock ISD Board of Trustees made history in November when Tiffanie N. Harrison was chosen...
The Round Rock ISD Board of Trustees made history in November when Tiffanie N. Harrison was chosen...
Round Rock ISD invites the community to join us in extending a warm thank you to our Board of Trustees during School Board Appreciation Month.
We’re hosting virtual sessions on Tuesday, Jan. 14, 12-1 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 23, 4:15-5:15 p.m., and Tuesday, Jan. 28, 6:45-7:45 p.m. to help families learn more about the elementary-to-middle school transition.
The SMART tag™ Parent App replaces the Parent Portal, providing a more convenient and user-friendly experience.
Round Rock ISD families can access student STAAR scores through the Home Access Center (HAC) over the next few weeks.
Round Rock ISD students will take home their district-issued Chromebook over the summer.
Round Rock ISD teachers and paraprofessionals are invaluable to the growth and development of our...
Amber Velasquez has been named the new principal of Old Town Elementary School. Velasquez most recently served as a Summer Learning Principal and Associate Principal at Bluebonnet Elementary School.
Thanks to the partnership with the YMCA, six Round Rock ISD elementary schools now have Esports labs. Students can sign up for teams and collaborate on games like Minecraft and Rocket League, all while building communication and learning how to work with others to accomplish a goal.
Round Rock ISD teachers and paraprofessionals are invaluable to the growth and development of our...
For 27 years, the Round Rock ISD Fine Arts Department has put elementary school students’ finest artwork on public display. This year the exhibition is at the Raymond E. Hartfield Performing Art Center for all to see.
From Monday, Feb. 21 through Friday, Feb. 25, the primary parent/guardian on file, students, and staff will receive an email from Round Rock ISD to link to your school’s 2022 survey. The survey is mobile-friendly and short. It can take less than five minutes to complete.
Online registration for Round Rock ISD families to enroll kindergarteners for the 2022-2023 school year opens on Monday, March 7. Round Rock ISD has 35 top-rated elementary schools that educate, support, and serve Central Texas students in Round Rock, portions of Cedar Park, and the City of Austin.
In an effort to show Round Rock ISD educators how much they are appreciated during this incredibly challenging time, Western Governors University (WGU) launched a contest for teachers to nominate colleagues by writing about how they are inspirational. Kim Bowman, special education teacher, at Old Town Elementary was the first place winner. Bowman was nominated by her principal, Jessica Schock.
In Round Rock ISD, we deeply value the beautiful diversity of our community. We are committed to creating and nurturing an inclusive environment where all forms of cultural diversity are valued, and equity is embedded into every facet of our operations. What we absolutely will not tolerate are racist, hateful, divisive comments and actions.