Round Rock ISD’s Career and Technical Education department hosted a district-wide industry partner kick-off meeting at Cedar Ridge High School on August 29.

Students were invited to engage in networking sessions that could allow them to foster connections with leaders in the industries they wish to someday join; from agriculture to finance, health science, and more.

These connections are important for creating a pipeline of well-prepared, capable students, and also for helping promote a positive Round Rock ISD community culture.

“The experts I got to interact with were very open to conversation and helped us gain more experience networking,” said Round Rock senior and marketing student Ishani Busireddy. “They became people we could look up to and were eager to learn from,”

Lucy Sanchez, with the district’s CTE department, said events like these are essential for creating job shadowing opportunities, mock interview opportunities, internships, and more.

“The night was a great opportunity for industry leaders and our students to bridge the gap between education and the workforce,” said Sanchez.

Throughout the school year, Program Leads and CTE Specialists collaborate with these business partners to create programs that support our students, and best prepare them for their future needs.

Jackie Cyriac, Round Rock ISD’s Community Partnerships and Government Relations Supervisor, said these connections are crucial for student success.

“Industry partners understand what the most current industry trends are, and are able to help prepare students for the competitive global marketplace,” she said. “Their willingness to collaborate is so important and very much appreciated.”

Senior Westwood engineering student Arjun Bhardwaj calls the connections he made “invaluable”.

“At first, I felt a bit overwhelmed by all the partners in the room, but after my first conversation, things got easier. I think the people I met genuinely wanted to connect with us and know our experiences and future goals,” he said. “I’m very grateful for their insight.”

Over 150 students, staff, and business partners were in attendance; strengthening the connections for the CTE program.