Round Rock ISD’s Community Access program provides specialized instruction for graduates between the ages of 18 and 22 who have disabilities. The program’s primary goal is to empower these young adults with the skills necessary to lead independent lives within their communities. This academic year, the program is serving 32 young adults, each with their personalized learning objectives.
Under the guidance of seven dedicated educators, the group receives lessons on various daily independent living skills. These skills include meal planning, grocery shopping, utilizing library services, maintaining a clean and organized household, safe street-crossing practices, ordering from menus, effective use of public transportation, calendar management, appropriate workplace behavior, and two-way communication skills, including greeting others and engaging in social interactions.
Community engagement is a primary component of the program; the group volunteers at local businesses and nonprofit organizations. Their involvement in places like Old Navy, Party City, the Aquarium, and The Salvation Army allows them to apply the skills they’ve learned and gain valuable experience in achieving greater independence.
As Round Rock ISD takes the time to recognize and celebrate over 400 early-career teachers during New Teacher November, the Community Access program seizes the opportunity to contribute to this special month by creating meaningful interactions. They organize, plan, and assemble gift bags, delivering exceptional customer service experiences that enhance an overall sense of community within the school district.