Round Rock ISD has been selected to receive an Outstanding Level for Texas Educational Theatre Association’s (TxETA) Award of Distinction – District Level.

The Awards of Distinction was created to recognize colleges, universities, school districts, and theater departments that are making outstanding contributions to raising the standards for theater education in the school, district, and the state as observed through achievement, curation of resources, diversity, and advocacy for theater arts.

“This remarkable accomplishment is a testament to the relentless dedication and hard work exhibited by the entire faculty, staff and students at Round Rock ISD,” TxETA President Travis Springfield said. “Your District’s commitment to excellence and relentless pursuit of academic and extracurricular achievements has undoubtedly set an aspiring example for other educational institutions in the region. Reaching the level of TxETA’s Awards of Distinction is not an ordinary feat; it represents a consistent commitment to educational growth, fostering a supportive learning environment, and promoting a culture of achievement.”

In addition to the District receiving recognition for our overall theater program, the following campuses will receive awards for campus theater excellence:

Ridgeview Middle School Theatre – Exemplary Award of Distinction – Campus Level
Westwood High School Theatre – Outstanding Award of Distinction – Campus Level

Both the District and campuses will be recognized at the TxETA’s Theatre Fest Awards Ceremony in Galveston in September.