After successfully competing at the regional Texas Association of Future Educators conference, 18 Education and Training students from Round Rock, Stony Point, and Westwood high schools advance to the state competition.

We are very proud of our future educators.

Round Rock High School
Alyssa Estrada, junior
Summer Harris, junior
Sara Mohammed, senior
Natalie Thornton, junior
Karina Wagner, senior
Catelyn Wilburn, senior

Stony Point IB® World High School
Rebeca Alvarez, senior
Avery Bailiff, sophomore
Raegan Grooms, sophomore
Alyssa Sierra, junior
Lamya Ujjainwala, freshman
Astrid Wilson, sophomore

Westwood IB® World High School
Isabella Valenzuela, sophomore
Valeria Mavo, junior
Harper Klein, freshman
Elizabeth Hsu, freshman
Tanisha Kundu, senior
Cass Crawford, freshman

Education and Training is a Round Rock ISD career and technical education program of study that prepares students for a career in education and teaching. Once a student completes their Education and Training coursework, internship, and turns 18 years old, they earn an Educational Aide I Certification.

Since the Educational Aide I certification became available in 2020, 21 Round Rock ISD students have earned their credentials.