The Texas Department of State Health Services announced on March 3, 2021 that all teachers and school staff are eligible to receive COVID-19 vaccinations. The notice also includes Head Start program employees and child-care staff.

“We are thrilled with this news and have been advocating that teachers and campus-based staff be prioritized in this manner,” Acting Superintendent of Schools Dr. Daniel Presley said. “Our school staff are essential workers, and fastlaning their ability to receive a COVID-19 vaccine is a critical milestone to welcoming back all students and restoring a sense of normalcy to our campuses.”

Round Rock ISD will continue to partner with area health departments and healthcare providers to provide as many opportunities as possible for employees to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, including the Williamson County and Cities Health District and Austin Public Health. Both have held vaccination clinics specifically for school staff, and the District will share future opportunities with all staff as soon as possible.

In the meantime, we encourage employees to sign up with both WCCHD and APH to pre-register and check other providers, such as pharmacies, for vaccine opportunities.

More information on the vaccine distribution in Texas is available on the Department of State Health Services website. The website also features an interactive map updated by the Texas Department of State Health Services to locate providers offering the vaccine and the current availability at that location.