Round Rock ISD is seeking staff and community input on the 2021-2022 academic calendar and providing the opportunity to submit feedback through a survey between Jan.17 and Feb.2.
A calendar committee comprised of District and campus staff and parents, represented from each learning community (feeder pattern), designed draft calendar options for the 2021-2022 academic school year. The committee presented these to the Board of Trustees at the Jan. 16, 2020, Regular Meeting. The RRISD Board of Trustees will review the Calendar Committee’s recommendations and the community’s feedback prior to making a decision during the Feb.20, 2020 Regular Meeting.
Before taking the survey, community members can view option 1 and option 2. Drafts are also available in Spanish for option 1 and in Spanish for option 2. The survey is available in both English and Spanish.
Much like the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 calendars, both Option 1 and Option 2 calendar drafts for 2021-2022 include 75,600 operational minutes. A state professional development waiver accounts for 2,100 operational minutes through the use of five Professional Development Days within the school year. The calendar drafts also include two days of instructional minutes banked in the case of school closures or delays due to inclement weather.
Both Option 1 and Option 2 calendar drafts feature a school year start date during the third week of August, a full week break at Thanksgiving and two weeks off at Winter Break. Both also include professional development/teacher workdays/non-student school days in August before the first day of instruction, in December and January on the days leading up to and after the Winter Break, and in May after the last day of school. Both Option 1 and Option 2 calendar drafts have the last instructional day occurring before Memorial Day. Each option includes four days per semester with 1:15 p.m. high school early releases during high school final exam days. Daily tutoring will also be offered to all high school students from 8:30 a.m.- 9:00 a.m. and will begin each semester on the first day of the second full week of classes and continue through the day before final exams.
The differences between the calendars involve the first day of instruction and the placement of student holidays/staff professional development days within the school year. Option 1 looks much like this current school year and the already approved calendar for 2020-2021 with paired Monday/Tuesday breaks in October and February. Option 2 begins school one day earlier than Option 1 to allow for an additional student holiday/staff professional development day within the school year. These professional development days are then spread out to occur throughout the year (Sept. 27, Oct. 11 on Columbus Day, Nov. 1 on the day after Halloween, Feb. 21 on Presidents Day, and on March 11 before Spring Break). Again, the December and January professional development days are the same on both calendar drafts.
More information on how the calendar was developed can be found on the FAQs Sheet in English or Spanish.