Staff members of Round Rock ISD Elementary Disciplinary Alternative Education Placement (DAEP) presented the campus’ learning model at the National Alternative Education Association (NAEA) conference in Dallas.
The District’s Elementary DAEP restructured its philosophy three years ago to focus on a three-tiered strategy of academic instruction, twice-daily counseling and the introduction of behavior support specialists who act as case managers for each student. DAEP Principal Barry Ryan, Behavioral Support Specialist Jeffrey Hastings and Counselor Patricia Mireles shared their knowledge at NAEA in an effort to spread the DAEP model to more schools.
“We have seen how successful this model can be and the difference it makes for our students when they’re here and when they go back to their home campus,” Hastings said. “It’s exciting to see students be successful that are often not looked at as successful students. That’s part of the challenge and the fun part of our job.”
Transitioning from a disciplinary method to an intervention-focused learning model challenged the staff at DAEP to look at their passions and develop a new mission to align with their services.
“We believe in the unlimited potential of every child and that’s what we’re doing here,” Ryan said. “The nine staff members here are committed to the success of our students both here and when they’re off our campus.”