The Round Rock ISD Board of Trustees has called for a May 6, 2017 Bond election, which, if approved, could bring $572.1 million of projects to the District to address growth, safety and innovation, impacting all students.

Students, staff and community members identified projects through the District’s Strategic Plan and Citizens Bond Committee.

As we move forward as a District in communicating the items in the Bond, there are legal guidelines regarding when, where and how employees can advocate for or against the Bond.

The Texas Election Code prohibits school District employees from directly or indirectly using public funds for political advertising, defined as any kind of communication that advocates for or against any measure appearing on a ballot. Violating the Texas Election Code is a Class A misdemeanor and could cost the employee, tarnish the District as a whole and jeopardize the validity of the election.

What does that mean for you?

  • Familiarize yourself with the Texas Election Code and District resources, available on the Round Rock ISD Bond webpage.
  • Share the facts, but not opinions within our work hours. Remember, work hours can extend beyond the traditional work day at off-campus meetings, luncheons, conferences on District events where a conversation about the Bond may come up. If you are attending events in your official capacity, please use materials on our Bond 2017 page.
  • If you feel that you cannot answer questions, refer individuals to the Bond webpage.
  • You are free to advocate during non-work hours, using personal resources. If you would like to voice your opinion, you may post a sign in your yard, place a bumper sticker on your personal vehicle or send an email from a personal account.
  • Don’t use District resources like computers, e-mail accounts, social media, phones, printed or electronic newsletters or any other district resource to advocate for or against the Bond.
  • Do not advocate on District property by discussing, displaying or distributing anything for or against the Bond. Advocacy language includes slogans like “Put Children First,” “This Bond Helps the Future,” or “Good Schools Are the Foundation of a Good Community.” This includes displaying or distributing posters, flyers, newsletters, buttons, bumper stickers or other printed media. When in your professional capacity, please only distribute materials provided by the Round Rock ISD Communications Department.

Please do your part and follow the staff guidelines for Bond 2017. If you have any questions or want more information about Bond 2017 priorities visit our Bond 2017 page.