Two subcommittees finalized the prioritization of projects and the finance committee will now work to create its proposal for a potential May 6, 2017, bond election, which could include a sixth high school, two elementary schools, an additional outdoor varsity athletic complex, an aquatics center, a CTE High School, and completed master plans at C.D. Fulkes Middle School, McNeil, and Westwood high schools.
The Round Rock ISD Citizens Bond Committee (CBC) held its third in a series of meetings aimed at evaluating the District’s identified needs and projects aligned with its Strategic Plan.
The Innovation and Safety committees reached a point where they could begin prioritizing projects within their scopes, allowing for the creation of a recommendation to present to the CBC Advisory Committee.
The Finance Committee discussed different scenarios and the potential tax and debt impacts in those scenarios. Their recommendation is also being created for committee review.
The Growth Committee discussed some of the larger new facility needs of the District. They will continue to tour facilities and meet to further their progress.
To review all materials and presentations from the meeting, please visit
Innovation Subcommittee
The Innovation Subcommittee further discussed their project scope and created a prioritized list of projects to include in its recommendation. Before finalizing their thoughts on prioritization, the group reviewed the individual projects and asked questions regarding the logistics of educational programming and construction. Staff members were present to provide information as requested.
They then went through the list of items and ranked each, allowing for the group to create a recommendation. The subcommittee’s top three ranked items were an Early Childhood Center and CTE High School with Early College High School and Health Professions High School.
The committee is creating its recommendation report in the coming weeks to prepare for the Advisory Committee in December.
Safety Subcommittee
The Safety Subcommittee created a prioritized list of projects that address an array of technology, security, and accessibility concerns across the District. The group recapped the presentations and datasets provided for its review and asked questions. They then went through the list of 20 items and ranked each, allowing for the group to create a recommendation.
The top ranked items included some of the systems reaching the end of their product life, thus requiring a need for replacement, including fire alarm systems, door access systems, visitor check-in, and video surveillance.
The committee is creating its recommendation report in the coming weeks to prepare for the Advisory Committee in December.
Growth Subcommittee
- The Growth Subcommittee divided into five citizen led project groups:
- Athletic, performing arts and aquatics;
- Outdoor athletic facility III, Dragon Stadium, and middle school athletic facility upgrades;
- High School #6 with RRHS phase 4 and Elementary Schools 35 & 36;
- Westwood auditorium, parking garage, and Westwood High School phase 4;
- and School expansions to remove portables and add dance portables.
Individual groups held discussions to assess needs, determine scope and priorities.
A meeting to present the each group’s findings will take place in December.
Finance Subcommittee
The Finance Subcommittee continued its look at the District’s possible Bond scenarios and the climate regarding Bond packages around Texas.
Round Rock ISD Chief Financial Officer Randy Staats presented information regarding recent bond elections across Texas, including the 11 municipal and school district bond election results from the Nov. 8 Election Day. Staats also outlined five possible Bond scenarios and how the Bond packages would impact taxpayers.
Further discussions addressed future steps for the committee to share findings with the Growth, Innovation, and Safety Subcommittees to move forward with proposing a Bond package cost.
The four bond scenarios are listed below:
Scenario #1: $300 million Bond referendum with a total of three Bond sales,
Scenarios #2 and #5: $450 million Bond referendum with a total of three Bond sales, each with different amounts allocated for the separate Bond sales.
Scenario #3: $600 million Bond referendum with a total of four Bond sales,
Scenario #4: $400 million Bond referendum with a total of three Bond sales.